People in long distance relationships can have a hard time staying connected, because couples are limited in what they can do together. Many are limited to the phone, email, instant messaging, and texting. My boyfriend, Frank, and I have come up with a list of things we like to do with each other along with some other ideas. Hopefully you'll see a couple things you haven't thought of yet :)
1. Watch things simultaneously together! Watch the same movie or TV show at the same time. Find something online to watch, or watch something on your own TV. We especially loved watching the show Dexter together. We would make a date night and watch a show online and have our webcams going at the same time. It's not the same as cuddling up on the couch, but it's as close as we could get! This is a good idea if you find yourself running out of things to talk about on the phone... doing this takes off the pressure of talking since you'll both be into the show/movie, plus it gives you something to talk about afterward!
2. Send your boyfriend/girlfriend flowers! There are lots of websites that will deliver flowers for you, but if you don't want to spend money sending a real bouquet, you can send a virtual bouquet using I just got done sending Frank some roses myself :)
3. Play a game together. Here are a couple places where you can find multiplayer games: Yahoo! and
4. Get a webcam. If you don't already have one, get one! Frank and I use Sightspeed. It's a great way to stay connected. Skype offers similar services.
5. Send an e-card! I know you've probably seen this suggestion before. Tired of lame e-cards? You'll get a kick out of (Thinking of You section) These e-cards are hilarious! If you're easily offended by vulgar language, this site isn't for you.
6. HoochyMail! Okay, so maybe Frank doesn't like this one so much... is a website where you enter information and it automatically generates a story with your names in a MadLib type fashion. You choose the story level: sexy, x-rated, or off the wall. I did this for Frank, and cried laughing reading the story the website generated. I think Frank just stared at his computer with his eyebrows bunched up.
7. Say cheese! Before Frank and I had webcams, I would occasionally take a picture and email it to him so he could see me. He always loved it :) If he was having a bad day they would cheer him up. I wish I had this or that Frank had this... I found this website: They sell WiFi photo frames that you can email pictures to. You control the frame from miles away! You can make playlist and set the time and day you want them to play. How neat is that?
Another picture idea? Create online photo albums for each other. A great site is
8. Share a journal. I wanted to do this with Frank, but he's lazy. I had this brilliant idea for us to share a journal. I would keep it for a couple weeks or so, and write in it everyday with my thoughts, and then mail it to Frank, and he could keep the journal and write in it, and it would just keep going back and forth. I thought it was a good idea. Maybe your boyfriends/girlfriends will be more willing participants than Frank! Other journal ideas? You could also each have your own journals that you can exchange. Or create an online journal at online journal websites such as and These both have privacy controls so you can control who sees your journal.
9. Write a letter. You've probably seen this one before, but it is really a good idea. Handwritten letters are really nice to get and can be fun to write. I love seeing Frank's messy handwriting, haha, so much character. And handwritten letters can mean a lot to someone... Over a year ago, Frank and I were having steady arguments, I can't remember what they were about, but we couldn't seem to settle things on the phone, and it would be a while before we could see each other... months. I tried writing him emails to express my feelings... but I finally was able to get through to him in a handwritten letter. After reading it he immediately called, and after being "Mr. Insensitive" that whole time, he finally warmed up and apologized for what it was that caused such a problem between the both of us (ahhh yes, I remember what it was now!). The letter meant a lot more to him than an email.
10. Learn new things about each other. Think you have run out of everything you could say to each other? Try this.... When it's one of those days where you guys just can't think of anything to talk about, try asking questions. Here's a good site with 100 questions to ask your love: 100 Questions to Know Your Partner
11. Make a website! Make a website about your relationship that you both can work on. It is a great way to track your progress in your relationship, and what a great idea it would be to add a timeline.... I might just do that. offers free websites with blogging, photo album, and video functions. Be creative together!
12. Sing karaoke together! This is a neat idea I've come across. Haha, I'm not sure Frank would do this with me... But for you die hard karaoke singers out there, this might be some fun, and something you can do online with your love! You will need a webcam and mic for this one. There are many websites out there that offer this type of activity. Search for "Free Online Karaoke."
13. Read a book together. A great idea is to read a book together. This is great for those couples who have limited time together, and need to find something to do together when they can't be. Find a book you think you both would enjoy and and agree to read a chapter every night. Reading together, can open up lots of discussion, and can help boost a relationship in which both people feel they have run out of things to talk about.
Harrison, I'm pretty sure you don't have a boyfriend named Frank. I DO.
I wrote this, not you. So don't say it is by you and not include my link. Which is
And until you do include that you took this from somewhere else, you will be at the top of my list as one of the people that plagiarized and stole my content.
Please read this:
You need to say where you got your content or I will file a notification of infringement.
or you could always just remove it. your choice
This is especially ironic. Who would take any of the other advice you offer. People with bad morals (i.e. people who steal) generally aren't the ones to look to for advice, especially on relationships.
"I just got done sending Frank some roses myself :)"
Is Frank your wife?
You sorta stole this off Loving From A Distance....
At least put a link or some other form of acknowledgement.
Certainly is ironic, just like sakilla said...
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