Most men are just completely confused when it comes to the matter of whether looks really matter to women or not. A lot of guys out there feel that looks do matter all the time and the very first thing a woman considers is what a guy looks like. You see this is a big misconception and the fact is that ever ugly guys can get hot women. Read on to discover some of the most shocking revelations on this subject.......
Your body language matters more- The way you act and behave around her within the very first 5 minutes has a lot to do with whether she is going to like you or not. You see a lot of men out there feel that women only considers there looks within the very first few minutes but the fact is that it's not the way you look but the way you act which makes the big difference.
How comfortable you are with the way you are- This is another factor women consider during the very first few minutes you spend with them. You see women are more socially smart in comparison to men and they always notice your level of self confidence and esteem based on the way you really are. If you are not comfortable in your own skin it will reflect on your personality and the girl will read that within seconds.
How interesting are you? - You can have stunning looks but if you don't have an interesting personality there is no way that a girl will ever like you. She will feel no attraction towards you unless you have a strong personality and an interesting character. Therefore you must work on building a strong character and a highly interesting personality as that would instantly please her.
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